


Milk has a high nutritional value, as well as substantial amounts of vitamins and mineral, namely vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus. Calcium, a predominant mineral in milk, its best absorbed when ingested through milk.

Milk comes in a variety of fat contents. Skimmed milk, is low in fat, as well as in fat soluble vitamins (e.g. vitamin D). Despite the fact that the majority of fat present in milk is saturated fat, it is important to know that not all saturated fat is similar; saturated fat from milk does not raise blood cholesterol levels as much as saturated fats present in other types of food, such as charcuterie.

The proteins present in milk have high biological value. Just like proteins, the amount of lactose (milk sugar) remains constant within varying levels of fat in milk (skimmed, semi-skimmed, full fat, etc.).

Conteúdo atualizado a 21/09/2015