FOOD program

The FOOD program is an initiative launched by the Edenred Group in Europe.

The FOOD program (Fighting Obesity through Offer and Demand) is an initiative of several European partners (comprising academic, public and private institutions), which aims to stimulate the adoption of healthy lifestyles by workers, promoting the supply and demand of a balanced diet.

Edenred Portugal has joined this program in the beginning of 2012, in cooperation with the Directorate-General of Health (DGS). Under the FOOD program, Edenred Portugal and DGS developed a manual – “Intelligent eating – eat better, save more” – focused on the promotion of good practices and eating habits. This manual was recently the winner of Nutrition Awards 2013 in the category Mobilization Initiative.

The manual can be downloaded in PDF format or you can visit the website at (Portuguese only).

There were also developed recommendations for restaurants and its employees, to promote better offer and informed choices (published European FOOD site).

After the elaboration of these contents, the project “FOOD Certification of Restaurants” was initiated, during which the project, as well as the 12 recommendations, are described to restaurants, and their implementation is monitored.

In order for a restaurant to be certified as “FOOD Restaurant”, it must meet at least 10 out of the 12 recommendations, and sign a commitment statement.

This certification helps consumers choose restaurants that allow the choice of a healthy diet.

To find the FOOD Programme restaurants in Portugal, you can access the restaurant locator.