PNPAS is coordinated, nationwide, by a Director of recognized scientific merit, who works in the direct dependence of the Director-General of Health.
The DGS – Directorate-General of Health´s Priority Programmes are part of its matrix; they all have the logistic support of the same cross-sectional team, from the Unit of Management, Planning and Programme Support.
Each Priority Programme should, whenever possible, articulate with the four departments that make up the hierarchic structure of DGS, namely: the Department of Quality in Health, the Department of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, the Department of Information and Analysis and the Department of International Relations Coordination.
It is assisted by an Advisory Board with representatives of key sectors for the programme’s operation, namely food industry, communication, agriculture, catering, environment, consumers, etc.; It is also assisted by a Scientific Board consisting of experts of merit at national level in the fields of medicine, nutritional sciences, human kinetics, psychology and other relevant areas.
PNPAS has the European Commission as an international and institutional relations reference, through DG Santé, former DG SANCO, High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical Activity and WHO (World Health Organization) Regional Office for Europe.
Francisco George (Directorate-General of Health) Doctor
Pedro Graça (Director ofPNPAS) Nutritionist
Sofia Mendes de Sousa
Andreia Correia
Joana Carriço
Cristina Portugal – Core Support for the Priority Program