At home:
- Household chores are a great opportunity to be physically active;
- If you have a garden, gardening is also a great exercise;
- Stand while talking on the phone;
- Go for bigger walks with your pet; go with a group of friends/coworkers for regular walks;
- Play with your kids and schedule activities with them to increase physical activity;
- Don’t sit in front of the TV/computer for long periods of time;
- Park your car further away from home.
At the workplace:
- Get off the bus/subway/public transportation one stop earlier;
- Ride a bicycle or walk to work;
- Park the car further away from your workplace;
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator/lift;
- Discuss ideas while walking;
- Walk while talking on the phone;
- Walk to a coworker’s office instead of calling or emailing them;
- During lunch time, take a few minutes to go for a walk;
- Maintain a good posture and stretch while sitting at your desk.
Level of physical activity according to daily number of steps, in adults:
Steps/day | Level of physical activity |
<5000 | Adult with sedentary lifestyle |
5000-7499 | Low active adult |
7500-9999 | Somewhat active adult |
10000-12499 | Active adult |
≥12500 | Highly active adult |
Don’t forget that walking is the easiest way of remaining active. It is easy, simple and free!